

Pharmacogenetics allows prescribers and pharmacists to understand how medications react differently in the body based on an individual’s metabolism. Best Practice PBMs are able to apply the results of a fast and easy-to-administer pharmacogenetics test to enhance member safety, improve treatment outcomes and prevent wasteful drug spending.

The science of pharmacogenetics utilizes precision medicine, which evaluates and considers a patient’s metabolism, environment and lifestyle, to develop effective, individualized treatment plans. Pharmacists work with members and their prescribers to coordinate changes in drug therapies, as indicated by testing. This ensures that members receive the most clinically appropriate and effective medications. By proactively identifying which drug therapies will not work, or are likely to cause severe adverse reactions, clients and their members can avoid unnecessary risks and expenses.

Pharmacogenetic testing can have a measurable positive impact for members who live with chronic health challenges such as diabetes or high cholesterol. Pharmacists can help them move quickly onto the most appropriate drug therapy and improve their health with fewer side effects and less risk, based on their unique metabolism.

There are no doctor’s visits required to administer the test. Members can collect and submit the sample from home using a simple cheek swab. The markers identified by pharmacogenetic testing do not change over a member’s lifetime, so repeat tests are not required.

Pharmacogenetics enables a personalized approach to care aimed at reducing costs, improving treatment efficacy and preventing adverse drug reactions.

Please contact me if you would like to learn more.


Employee Benefit Advisory provides employee benefits, tax-advantaged healthcare, compliance guidance for ACA and Health & Welfare DOL Audits, and PEO Advisory & Consulting Services.

Knock Out Blow? – Trump Ends Cost-Sharing Reduction Subsidies

The White House confirmed Thursday that it will stop making federal payments for cost-sharing reductions, payments to health insurers. The Department of Health and Human Services confirmed that the cutoff would be immediate. This action could throw the Marketplace into immediate turmoil as insurers start to evaluate their options for 2018.

Many, certainly democrats, have been calling for a bi-partisan solution to the health care problems in America. However, let’s not forget, it was the democrats that ramrodded the misnamed Affordable Health Care Act through the legislative process, behind closed doors, with absolutely no input from republicans.

Employee Benefit Advisors has blogged several times about legal challenges to the ACA, specifically pin pointing, the Obama administration saying they did not receive, but needed, an appropriation to make these payments to insurance companies. Obama used executive orders to put into place key finance regulations behind the ACA. Problem is, what can be done by executive order can be undone by executive order.


Employee Benefit Advisors provides employee benefits, tax-advantaged healthcare, compliance guidance for ACA and Health & Welfare DOL Audits, and PEO Advisory & Consulting Services.

What is Reference Based Pricing?

With RBP plans are designed to negotiate treatments with high-quality providers at reduced costs and can work in different ways, depending on the insurance carrier or TPA. – Sound like a PPO or HMO? Not quite.

RBP can have no network restriction, a network and use a network within a network. Call it Creative Networking where certain services may require the use of select networks, a Network within a Network.

All reimbursements are based on a fixed amount for a particular procedure, such as dialysis and hospital stays – two biggies, which certain providers will accept as payment in full. Reimbursement is based on a reasonable fee or multiple of Medicare. Under this type of arrangement, reimbursement rates range between 120% and 180% of Medicare.

RBP product could offer you 72-77% savings over traditional PPO plans. (A national survey found less than 1% of providers do not accept this type of health benefit plan.)



Discover the referenced based pricing solution that offers a significant improvement in savings without compromising quality care. Save on claims costs without provider and facility restrictions.


Employee Benefit Advisory provides employee benefits, tax-advantaged healthcare, compliance guidance for ACA and Health & Welfare DOL Audits, and PEO Advisory & Consulting Services.

Power of THE Pen – Trump holds the key to Repeal!

Many have forgotten that our Congress (Senate and State Representatives) and public employees are not fully subject to Obamacare. President Trump can change that with a stroke of THE Pen.

Congress was initially subject to the ACA. However, after a meeting with Senate Democrats in March 2013, Obama exempted Congress from section 1312(d)(3)(D). That section would have required Congress and their staff to buy insurance through an Obamacare exchange and does not authorize an employer contribution toward their premium. Congress and their staff would lose their taxpayer-funded, gold-plated health care rather than go into Obamacare and pay their own way.

The Office of Personnel Management (OPM), under the instruction of President Obama, ruled “the DC Health Link Small Business Market administered by the DC Benefit Exchange Authority, is the appropriate SHOP from which Members of Congress and staff purchase health insurance in order to receive a government contribution (subsidy). The Congress employees thousands, not the required 50 or fewer required to be eligible for the DC (or any) Exchange.

Federal Employees Health Benefits Program: Members of Congress and Congressional Staff, 78 Fed. Reg. 60653- 01 (Oct. 2, 2013).

President Trump has the power to end this abuse by directing OPM to rescind the rule and issue a new one that conforms to the statutory requirement the congress and their staff pay their own premiums in the individual Obamacare Exchange.

Employee Benefit Advisory provides employee benefits, tax-advantaged healthcare, compliance guidance for ACA and Health & Welfare DOL Audits, and PEO Advisory & Consulting Services.

Why are costs for prescriptions so much higher in the United States?

Specialty pharmacy will be 50% of a health plan’s drug spend by 2018. By 2020 pharmacy will be 50% of total healthcare spend. Pharmacy is the most utilized and least understood of healthcare costs.

Why are costs for prescriptions so much higher in the United States than other countries? The easy answer is that Americans are paying a disproportionate share of the research cost for prescription drugs. The why is a little more complicated. It’s compulsory pricing, a law countries have on the books that states if the government can’t reach an agreement with drug companies over a price the government is willing to pay, the government can say the drug companies are not making their products available in the country, and can license a different company to make and sell the drug. Either drug companies negotiate a deal in with low profit, to cover manufacturing, or they lose their intellectual property rights.

So why not import drugs from other countries to bring more competition into the US market to lower costs? Safety. Large volumes of ‘unapproved’ drugs that enter the US pose a threat to the security of our nation’s drug supply. The potential of being flooded with unsafe and counterfeit drugs could kill thousands of Americans.

Proper security requires careful monitoring and control. Companies must put anti-counterfeiting and anti-tampering markings on every drug they make around the world. Although that currently works well in some countries, in others it’s problematic. We increase the threat of terrorism, ‘friendly’ or not, with each additional country we import prescription drugs.


Employee Benefit Advisors provides employee benefits, tax-advantaged healthcare, compliance guidance for ACA and Health & Welfare DOL Audits, and PEO Advisory & Consulting Services. We can customize a wellness plan for your budget and culture.

Here’s why the CBO report on AHCA is wrong – BIG TIME!

Opponents of the American Health Care Act say 24 million more Americans will lose coverage. However, that number is based on faulty assumptions. The CBO report uses the ACA’s March 16 baseline projections for comparison. Projections that have already proven inaccurate. This leads to three flawed assumptions.

1) Premiums will not be more expensive than under the baseline.
This is false. American’s saw significant premium increases in 2017 and if Obamacare is left intact future increases will undoubtedly occur.

2) Insures will not drop out of the system.
This is false. Carriers have already announced they are pulling out altogether.

3) The number of people under Obamacare will not decrease.
This is false. Under Obamacare the marketplace was expected to rise to 18 million by 2023 and then level off. However exchange enrollment actually dropped by about half a million between 2016 and 2017 — to 12.2 million. That suggests that the number of insureds has already begun to contract. Premium increases and insurance companies dropping out of the market have and will continue to force people to drop their insurance, impacting the original assumption even further.

Garbage in, garbage out.

Employee Benefit Advisors provides employee benefits, tax-advantaged healthcare, compliance guidance for ACA and Health & Welfare DOL Audits, and PEO Advisory & Consulting Services. We can customize a wellness plan for your budget and culture.

Men are the problem!

Men don’t go to the doctor unless their arm or leg is falling off or they are dying. Consequently they are a major reason for the large preventable claims your company is incurring. So men, get a reality check, and become a smart patient.

Human Resource Directors, read the following then think about this recommendation. “Employees that have their annual wellness exam should pay less for their employer provided health insurance.” (This recommendation is good for women as well, you don’t want to discriminate. And you can implement this staying HIPAA compliant.)

Guys, you may feel fine, but the numbers don’t lie: More men than women are likely to be diagnosed with diabetes and kidney disease. And according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) 12.1% of US men have circulatory diseases like coronary heart disease, heart attack and stroke. Your body may be suffering from silent conditions that have little or no symptoms, such as hypertension or colon cancer. About 3.5 million people are diagnosed with skin cancer every year, and men are more likely than women to die from melanoma, the deadliest form of skin cancer.

You should talk to your doctor about your risk of prostate cancer – especially if you’re over 50, African American, or if prostate cancer runs in your family. If you’re a baby boomer, you should get tested for hepatitis C (HCV). More than 75% of adults infected with HCV, often a symptomless disease, were born between 1945-1965. Left untreated, HCV can cause life-threatening diseases such as liver damage, liver cancer and cirrhosis.

So no more excuses. The old “ignore-it-and-it-will-go-away” approach doesn’t work. It’s time to get informed and become a smart patient. Make that doctor’s appointment now.

Statistical information came from sharecare,, a great resource for men and women’s health.


Employee Benefit Advisors provides employee benefits, tax-advantaged healthcare, compliance guidance for ACA and Health & Welfare DOL Audits, and PEO Advisory & Consulting Services. We can customize a wellness plan for your budget and culture.

Predictive Modeling – GRx

Many health insurance companies are looking at prescription usage to underwrite and rate group health insurance. It’s called predictive modeling.

GRx uses complete and current prescription histories. Details include drug name, dosage, fill date, pharmacy and physician information. This Healthcare Intelligence allows carriers to make risk assessment decisions with confidence and more accurately develop premiums. New group rates are quickly and more accurately developed. GRx turns group census data into a risk score. Health plans use the GRx risk score to more accurately predict the group’s future claim costs.

It’s good for the health insurance carrier and the group. Both get a more accurate quote potentially avoiding large rate fluctuations.


Employee Benefit Advisors provides employee benefits, tax-advantaged healthcare, compliance guidance for ACA and Health & Welfare DOL Audits, and PEO Advisory & Consulting Services. We can customize a wellness plan for your budget and culture.

IRS Guidelines – Indexed for 2017

Social Security Tax is 6.2% on income up to $127,200 up from $ 118,500.
Medicare Tax unlimited 1.45% to Unlimited

High Deductible Health Plans
Minimum Annual Deductible (Individual/Family) $1,300 / $2,600
Maximum Out-of-Pocket Limit (Individual/Family) $6,550 / $13,100

Health Savings Accounts
Individual / Family $3,400 / $6,750
Catch-up Contribution $1,000

Flexible Spending Accounts
Health Care Flexible Spending Account Maximums $2,600
Dependent Care Spending Account Maximum $5,000

Mileage & Transportation
Standard Mileage Rate
53.5 cents per mile for business miles driven
17 cents per mile for medical or moving purposes
14 cents per mile driven in service of charitable organizations
Parking (monthly) $255
Mass Transit Passes (monthly) $255

Compensation Limit $270,000
Highly Compensated Employee Salary Amount $120,000
Annual Compensation for Key Employee $175,000
Defined Benefit Plan Limit $215,000
Defined Contribution Plan Limit $54,000

Retirement Plans
401(k) $18,000
401(k) Catch-up $6,000
403(b) $18,000
457(b)(2) and 124(c)(1) $18,000
457(b) Catch-up $6,000
IRA Limit $5,500/$6,500 for age 50+
Simple IRA Limit $12,500/$3,00 Catch-Up


Employee Benefit Advisors provides employee benefits, tax-advantaged healthcare, compliance guidance for ACA and Health & Welfare DOL Audits, and PEO Advisory & Consulting Services.

Health Insurance As It Should Be (Part 2 of 2): Preventative, Wellness & Biometrics, Genetics & DNA

Under the ACA preventative care was free. At least there was no charge to the insured at the time they received the exam, the cost was built into the premiums. The argument was that an advanced diagnosis would save long term medical costs because illnesses would be caught at an early stage.

If we use that same argument to create “health Insurance as it should be” there are three key strategies that would prove to be very effective.  Here they are and here’s how to use them. (1) Preventative – Individuals have a responsibility to be examined at least periodically (every two years, yearly as we get older – I’ll let the AMA set the standard) and get their immunizations. Those that do receive a lower insurance premium. (2) Wellness / Biometrics – Smokers should be charged more (no need to argue why, everyone should be aware of the added health risks and costs). Lower premiums or premium rebates for those actively managing and meeting standards for blood pressure, BMI, cholesterol and blood sugar level. All are key indicators of health. It makes sense to provide a premium discount to the individual going to the gym or utilizing some other method to improve their health. Those that don’t should pay more. After all, they are costing everyone else more. (3) Genetics & DNA – Technology is a great tool. Let’s use it to help predetermine the medical conditions which we’re predisposed. Not to punish people with higher costs, but to be proactive. A lifestyle change at an early age could help prevent certain illnesses. Information can be kept confidential with case managers and not shared or used with underwriting. – i.e. If you knew you had a family history of cancer, breast or colon, you could be proactive and monitor the signs. Same principle for other genetic diseases.

Let’s use all the available resources to lower health care costs and create a proactive system, health insurance as it should be.

What ideas do you have?


Employee Benefit Advisors provides employee benefits, tax-advantaged healthcare, compliance guidance for ACA and Health & Welfare DOL Audits, and PEO Advisory & Consulting Services. We can customize a wellness plan for your budget and culture.

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