Human Resources

Small & Midsize Employers – two new refundable payroll tax credits

IR-2020-57, March 20, 2020

The U.S. Treasury Department, Internal Revenue Service (IRS), and the U.S. Department of Labor (Labor) announced that small and midsize employers can begin taking advantage of two new refundable payroll tax credits, designed to immediately and fully reimburse them, dollar-for-dollar, for the cost of providing Coronavirus-related leave to their employees. This relief to employees and small and midsize businesses is provided under the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (Act), signed by President Trump on March 18, 2020.

The Act will help the United States combat and defeat COVID-19 by giving all American businesses with fewer than 500 employees funds to provide employees with paid leave, either for the employee’s own health needs or to care for family members. The legislation will enable employers to keep their workers on their payrolls, while at the same time ensuring that workers are not forced to choose between their paychecks and the public health measures needed to combat the virus.

Key Takeaways

Paid Sick Leave for Workers

  • For COVID-19 related reasons, employees receive up to 80 hours of paid sick leave and expanded paid child care leave when employees’ children’s schools are closed or child care providers are unavailable.

Complete Coverage

Employers receive 100% reimbursement for paid leave pursuant to the Act.

  • Health insurance costs are also included in the credit.
  • Employers face no payroll tax liability.
  • Self-employed individuals receive an equivalent credit.

Fast Funds

Reimbursement will be quick and easy to obtain.

  • An immediate dollar-for-dollar tax offset against payroll taxes will be provided
  • Where a refund is owed, the IRS will send the refund as quickly as possible.

Small Business Protection

  • Employers with fewer than 50 employees are eligible for an exemption from the requirements to provide leave to care for a child whose school is closed, or child care is unavailable in cases where the viability of the business is threatened.

Easing Compliance

  • Requirements subject to 30-day non-enforcement period for good faith compliance efforts.


Employee Benefit Advisors provides employee benefits, tax-advantaged healthcare, compliance guidance for ACA and Health & Welfare DOL Audits, and PEO Advisory & Consulting Services.


COVID-19 and Medicare

Employee Benefit Advisors recommends communicating the following to you employees. Odds are your company has either employees on Medicare, family members on Medicare, or both.

Copays for the Coronavirus test have been waived, but not the cost of the doctor visit needed to get the test or the treatment.

Telehealth – CMS announced that it will expand telehealth services for Medicare beneficiaries and cut back on HIPAA enforcement. Email and texts to docs will be possible! Read the CMS details here

Cost of testing – Medicare Part B (Medical Insurance) covers a test to see if you have coronavirus (officially called 2019-novel coronavirus or COVID-19).

3 Day Hospitalization Waived for Skilled Nursing Facilities – The waiver of the requirement for a 3-day prior hospitalization for coverage of a SNF stay provides temporary emergency coverage of SNF services without a qualifying hospital stay, for those people who are evacuated, transferred, or otherwise dislocated as a result of the effect of disaster or emergency. In addition, for certain beneficiaries who recently exhausted their SNF benefits, it authorizes renewed SNF coverage without first having to start a new benefit period (Blanket waiver for all impacted facilities). Click here to download the full CMS memo.

Employee Benefit Advisors provides employee benefits, tax-advantaged healthcare, compliance guidance for ACA and Health & Welfare DOL Audits, and PEO Advisory & Consulting Services.

Coronavirus – do the 5

I’ve been seeing this advice on Google the past few days. I think it’s simple and easy for employees t grasp. Pass it on.

Help Stop Coronavirus

1. Hands – Wash them often
2. Elbow – Cough into it
3. Face – Don’t touch it
4. Feet – Stay more than 3ft apart
5. Feel sick? Stay home



Employee Benefit Advisors provides employee benefits, tax-advantaged healthcare, compliance guidance for ACA and Health & Welfare DOL Audits, and PEO Advisory & Consulting Services.

Coronavirus – easy to understand info for employees

Symptoms people may experience:
1. runny nose (Not to be confused with allergies)
2. sore throat
3. cough (develop the habit of coughing into your sleeve or handkerchief – never your hand!)
4. fever
5. tightening of chest / difficulty breathing (severe cases)

What can you do?
• Emergency Room – very expensive
• Urgent Care – less expensive than ER but more cost-effective options exist
• Primary Care Physician – generally a low flat copy; at most the contracted rate between the physician and insurance company
Because COVID-19 is highly contagious to prevent contaminating health care service workers, it is not recommended you go directly to the              ER, UC or PCP.
Telemedicine – no cost! – If you need emergency care or any additional care the doctor will advise you.
(According to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), Essential Health Benefits (EHB) coverage generally includes coverage for the diagnosis and treatment of COVID-19.)


Employee Benefit Advisors provides employee benefits, tax-advantaged healthcare, compliance guidance for ACA and Health & Welfare DOL Audits, and PEO Advisory & Consulting Services.


As we head into a new year, there will be some noticeable changes in employee benefits that you and your clients should be made aware of. The following list encompasses a few of the items you may expect to change:

Required Reporting
Effective January 1, 2020, Medicare Secondary Payer reporting will now include prescription drug coverage. Right now, this is an optional procedure. It is handled by insurance carriers and third-party administrators. Employers should be aware that they may get requests for information from those carriers and third-party administrators. A more detailed explanation can be found here.

PCORI Fee Elimination
The PCORI fee will be eliminated for plan years ending before October 1, 2019. If an employer’s plan year ends between October 1, 2018 and December 31, 2018, then the last PCORI fee for that plan should have been paid by July of 2019. This would generally include plans that have plan years beginning November 1, December 1, or January 1. All other plans will make their last PCORI fee payment by the end of July 2020.

Out-of-Pocket Maximum Increase
In 2020, out-of-pocket maximums will increase to $8,150 for self-only coverage and $16,300 for family coverage. This represents an increase of about 3.20% from last year. HHS requires that the individual out-of-pocket maximum be embedded for each individual within the family OOPM. You can refer to the 2020 Benefit and Payment Parameters found here.

Health Insurance Tax
The Health Insurance Tax (HIT) which has been on a moratorium for 2019, will make a return in 2020 unless Congress acts on pending legislation to delay or repeal. This would result in increased premiums ranging from 2.7% to 4% according to actuarial experts.

Employer Mandate Affordability
The affordability percentage used in the safe harbors will be reduced to 9.78% in 2020. Employers should review their contribution levels to make sure they are within the new percentage requirement.

Individual Mandates in the States
Effective January 1, 2020, California and Vermont will have an individual mandate that will require employer reporting to be completed in 2021. New Jersey, which already has an individual mandate in place, will have to complete the employer reporting in 2020.

Self-Funded Plans
Employers that self-fund may have different benefits that cannot be subject to annual and lifetime limits. Self-insured employers should reevaluate which state plan they use as their benchmark for purposes of determining which benefits cannot be subject to annual and lifetime limits.

2020 Employer Mandate Penalties
As they do each year, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) calculates the health insurance premium growth rate. That rate is then used to adjust the amount of the ACA employer mandate penalties. Although not finalized, the 2020 employer mandate penalties could be $2,570 for the (a) penalty and $3,860 for the (b) penalty.

There is a lot of pending legislation that Congress could still take up before the recess. Issues pertaining to a Cadillac Tax repeal, transparency in prescription drug prices (H.R.3), redefining a full-time employee, surprise billing, and employer reporting can all be potentially addressed in the coming weeks.


Employee Benefit Advisors provides employee benefits, tax-advantaged healthcare, compliance guidance for ACA and Health & Welfare DOL Audits, and PEO Advisory & Consulting Services.


Silver-loading refers to health insurers loading premium increases on the popular silver-level exchange plans to make up for the loss of Cost Sharing Reduction (CSR) payments. Loading premium surcharges onto silver plans boosted the size of the premium tax credits available to people with incomes below 400% of the federal poverty level. – The Trump Administration in an effort to end silver-loading has proposed changes to the current regulations.

Employee Benefit Advisor’s blog tends to focus on Human Resource and Benefit group related issues, like our monthly HR & Benefit Advisory publication. However, we believe silver-loading is an issue of interest to all in our field.


Employee Benefit Advisors provides employee benefits, tax-advantaged healthcare, compliance guidance for ACA and Health & Welfare DOL Audits, and PEO Advisory & Consulting Services.

Telemedicine – Impact your health care costs

Group health insurance premium are expected to rise 15-18% in 2019 and Telemedicine can be an important cost containment tool, for both employer and employee.

In a study of 17,000 telemedicine participants, hospital admissions dropped by 30% and doctor visits were reduced by 60%, for a savings of 45% in unnecessary doctor and emergency room visits. The American Medical Association states that 70% of doctor visits can be handled over the phone, and 50% of the emergency room visits are non-emergencies. Telemedicine’s savings in claim costs range from $300 for a single employee to more than $1,000 per year for a family of 4.

Telemedicine provides 24/7 medical access to employees as part of their benefit package. Advances in communication technologies make accessing professional medical opinions easier. This is particularly important if the network is strictly local, employees live in rural areas, or employees are worried about access to doctors while traveling.

In addition to the obvious convenience – patients/employees do not have to take time away from work for a medical appointment, sitting in the doctor’s waiting room, eliminating travel time – patients/employees have increased access to medical experts in many fields. Telemedicine puts the employee in touch with US Board Certified physicians in their state to treat common ailments; cold/flu, sinus infections, allergies, pink eye, etc.

What can employers do? – Employee Benefit Advisors recommends companies build a communication program to educate employees. In addition to informing employees the services that can be accessed via telemedicine be sure to include instructions on downloading your health insurance carrier’s app and login.

Interestingly, a bill submitted in New York proposes creating a task force to study how telehealth and telemedicine might help employees in workers comp. The task force would examine how connected health technology could improve outcomes for workers on worker’s comp, increase access to care providers and enable those providers to improve compliance with worker’s comp guidelines. The committee would also explore how telehealth and telemedicine could help employers and reduce fraud.


Employee Benefit Advisors provides employee benefits, tax-advantaged healthcare, compliance guidance for ACA and Health & Welfare DOL Audits, and PEO Advisory & Consulting Services.

IRS Guidelines – Indexed for 2019

Social Security Tax is 6.2% on income up to $132,900 up from $ 128,400
Medicare Tax unlimited 1.45% to Unlimited

High Deductible Health Plans
Minimum Annual Deductible (Individual/Family) $1,350 / $2,700
Maximum Out-of-Pocket Limit (Individual/Family) $6,750 / $13,500

Health Savings Accounts
Individual / Family $3,500 /  $7,000
Catch-up Contribution $1,000

ACA Plan Limits

Out-of-Pocket Limits Individua; / Family $7,900 / $15,800

Flexible Spending Accounts
Health Care Flexible Spending Account Maximums $2,700
Dependent Care Spending Account Maximum $5,000

Mileage & Transportation
Standard Mileage Rates
58 cents per mile for business miles driven
20 cents per mile for medical or moving purposes
14 cents per mile driven in service of charitable organizations

Parking (monthly) $265
Mass Transit Passes (monthly) $265

Compensation Limit $280,000
Highly Compensated Employee Salary Amount $125,000
Annual Compensation for Key Employee $180,000
Defined Benefit Plan Limit $225,000
Defined Contribution Plan Limit $56,000

Retirement Plans
401(k) $19,000
401(k) Catch-up $6,000
403(b) $19,000
457(b)(2) and 124(c)(1) $19,000
457(b) Catch-up $6,000

IRA Limit $6,000/$7,000 for age 50+
Simple IRA Limit $13,000/$3,000 Catch-Up


Employee Benefit Advisors provides employee benefits, tax-advantaged healthcare, compliance guidance for ACA and Health & Welfare DOL Audits, and PEO Advisory & Consulting Services.

Become a Mountain Man – A worthwhile New Years Resolution!

We can learn a lot from Mountain Men. Like taking the time to sharpen our saw.

The saw is like business operations. If you don’t take time to sharpen your methods and skills it could dramatically affect your business. Don’t be so focused on current day activities they don’t take time to evaluate operations to enhance results. Creating operational efficiencies is crucial to success.

As a Healthcare Consultant / Broker and SCORE Volunteer I see it all too often. Here are two recommendations that I can help with that will pay long term dividends.

Healthcare Consumption Audit – Health insurance is usually a company’s second highest operational expense. Creating a savings strategy for health insurance can create a significant contribution to the bottom line. Why not perform a Health Care Consumption Audit?

SCORE – Mentoring, workshops, turnaround consulting and advisory boards are all available through SCORE to help start and/or grow your business. SCORE mentors are experienced executives from diverse business backgrounds.


Employee Benefit Advisors provides employee benefits, tax-advantaged healthcare, compliance guidance for ACA and Health & Welfare DOL Audits, and PEO Advisory & Consulting Services.

Why do hackers want your health care data?

Health care information has a much longer shelf-life than other targets like credit cards, which become useless once a consumer gets a new card. Medical and insurance information has value for years.

Employers, if an employee is hacked that employee will be totally engaged restoring their accounts. Employee Benefit Advisors strongly recommends offering Credit/Identity Monitoring and Restoration as a voluntary employee benefit.

How can you protect yourself? We asked Bryan Barnhart, President of Infiltration Labs, Cyber Crimes Investigator,  and Digital Forensic Specialist, and primary instructor for the U.S. Secret Service Network Intrusion Response course. As a retired Police Detective and U.S. Secret Service Electronic Crimes Task Force Investigator (in short, he knows his stuff) he has a few basic tips.

Cyber Security for the Masses
Use strong passwords and don’t reuse passwords
Change passwords frequently
Use a password manager
Check if your email/password has been compromised:
Use Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) for all accounts:
Don’t use open Wi-Fi or networks you can’t vouch for
If you must open Wi-Fi, use a VPN – Think before you click: Don’t click links or open attachments in suspicious emails

Uncertain about the various cyber security monitoring services available? Contact Bryan or Myself, we don’t have a horse in the race, however we use the same service.

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